Happy Monday!
It has been a busy weekend! It seems I am always saying this! LOL From cheer competitions in Los Angeles, and the Pinewood Derby, I can say I am truly exhausted! (: However, it is Monday, and we are not off to a good start. Roman went home sick today, so I had to leave work earlier than planned. While he is resting, I thought this might be a good time to blog about something that made me one happy gal(;
On the Pink Paislee Blog on Sunday, I had a few projects featured. Can you say, "Woohoooo, with me??" I was one of the twelve Guests artists for 2011. So, this month I am able to share with you a few items I created using their product. I am a big fan of Pink Paislee, and loved everything that was sent to me. So, very thrilled for the opportunity to be featured on their blog! So a BIG thank you to Pink Paislee for having me!
Here are the projects I created using their Mistables, Vintage Vogue, and Grand Prarie:
Fly High
Sweet & Adorable You
& finally an elegant altered box:
Thank you for letting me share in my excitement! I hope you enjoyed my papercrafts I created using Pink Paislee's fabulous products! Again, a thank you to Rebecca Cross, and Pink Paislee for having me!!! If you want to read a bit more about me, and a view of these projects, join me on the Pink Paislee blog, by clicking {here}.
Back to my little guy, and carpool! Have a wonderful evening!!