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« American Idol Sighting {Aaron Kelly} | Main | celebrate {Happy Fourth of July} »

July 02, 2010


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Sara Rossi

Oh WOW does this just scream SUMMER to me!! I love those papers & can't wait to get some--they are perfect for the beautiful pic of Gabi!! And now I have a feeling I'll be pulling out some cork for my next LO's!! LOL!! Hope Roman feels better & you have a great weekend!

Liz Qualman

I think I threw my crimper away!!! It was so old and what is a girl to do with it? Now I am sad that I did not have the fearless curiosity that you and Melinda do. What a fabulous idea! Awesome work Suzanne!

Lori Massicot

I love it! I'm so into the beautiful summer colors right now. Thanks for the cork idea. I will stop in my local Michaels this week. What a great idea & it looks beautiful.

Happy Fourth - have fun!!


Just what I needed to spy on a cold and dreary day Down Under... a bright and summery layout! Gorgeous! And yay for your crimping!

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