I wanted to share this layout I created of my son. While we were in Texas, last year, he was able to play his first year of football. Of course, it was flag, but he loved every minute of it! It was funny, that once I signed him to play, both my father, and brother-n-law, did not think it was a good idea. I know I have said this before, but Roman has a heart of a teddy bear. When you see him, you see a big boy, and he really is such a gentle soul! They thought he would not be aggressive on the field, but they were wrong! Roman listened, and did everything that was asked of him. I will never forget the first time, he finally grabbed a flag!!! Although, I will admit that, Roman once played against a fellow classmate, and was unsure if he could block him. He did not want to hurt his "friend!"
He was not able to play this year, due to our move. He was a little disappointed, but hopefully he will have the opportunity next fall.
Speaking of football, have you seen "Blind Side?" A must see movie! I loved every minute of this movie, but wish there was more at the end! This is a DVD I want to buy! I followed this movie the next day, with the "Law Abiding Citizen." Wish I had seen them in reverse order! LOL
My layout, "All Star Athlete"
I used all Teresa Collin's products on this page! It was so easy to use, and I loved the way it turned out.
Cardstock: Bazzill
Patterned Paper: Teresa Collins Sports Edition
Letters/Numbers: American Crafts Thickers
Chipboard Elements: Teresa Collins Sports Edition
Another detail:
I stamped "MVP" on the chipboard circle. I used the Giggle Kids (boy), stamp set.
Thanks for letting me share, and I hope you have a fabulous day! Today, I have a room mom meeting, and have a few projects for Pebbles to begin! Speaking of Pebbles, it is Monday, so there is another challenge. So hop on over to HERE. Mireill Divjak is the blog hostess this week!!!!
Happy Monday!!!!
He was not able to play this year, due to our move. He was a little disappointed, but hopefully he will have the opportunity next fall.
Speaking of football, have you seen "Blind Side?" A must see movie! I loved every minute of this movie, but wish there was more at the end! This is a DVD I want to buy! I followed this movie the next day, with the "Law Abiding Citizen." Wish I had seen them in reverse order! LOL
My layout, "All Star Athlete"
I used all Teresa Collin's products on this page! It was so easy to use, and I loved the way it turned out.
Cardstock: Bazzill
Patterned Paper: Teresa Collins Sports Edition
Letters/Numbers: American Crafts Thickers
Chipboard Elements: Teresa Collins Sports Edition
Another detail:
I stamped "MVP" on the chipboard circle. I used the Giggle Kids (boy), stamp set.
Thanks for letting me share, and I hope you have a fabulous day! Today, I have a room mom meeting, and have a few projects for Pebbles to begin! Speaking of Pebbles, it is Monday, so there is another challenge. So hop on over to HERE. Mireill Divjak is the blog hostess this week!!!!
Happy Monday!!!!
Roman is getting to be so "big." I love this paper collection by TC; and you did such an amazing job using it. So vibrant which showcases your Athlete - Roman - perfectly! Thanks for sharing another inspiring layout. {Hugs}
Posted by: JEANNETTE SICILIANI | November 30, 2009 at 11:15 PM
wow this layout looks so awesome! I love the red an this huge letters!!!
best wishes from Berlin/Germany
Posted by: nette | December 01, 2009 at 01:08 AM
Layout looks awesome! Hope that you are settling in and I would LOVE to get together...sooner, than later!
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Posted by: steph | December 01, 2009 at 05:25 AM
Hi Suzanne !
I love your pages . The colors, the shapes and all the supplies suit to your litle boy so well !
Posted by: Kaé | December 01, 2009 at 10:16 AM
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